On the last day of moving out here, Steven ran out of socks. Well he had socks, somewhere but they were buried. So he had to wear mine. I laughed a lot.
We don't know if we mentioned or not, but our apartment is newly remodeled. The last idiot who lived here got drunk and lit the garbage can on fire...and eventually most of the apartment caught on fire. Good news for us because everything is pretty much new. Our first weekend here, we vacuumed...just our teeny tiny living room...and it filled up our vacuum with the carpet fibers and sawdust...it was gross and weird all at the same time.
One night before we left AZ, I decided I wanted to make some good Chinese food. I found a great recipe for lemon chicken. In AZ, I just used the frozen breaded chicken we already had to pour it on. Well here in ND, I went to make the recipe again. But this time, I only had dinosaur chicken nuggets....so we used those. It turned out fine and Steven made enough fried rice to feed a third world country. Tell me he doesn't look Asian in this picture?
PS This was the first Sunday dinner we EVER had to make for ourselves...in 2+ years, we never made Sunday dinner for ourselves...it was weird!
Orientation- Steven already blogged about orientation, but here is the picture. By the way, it just so happens that no one comments on the blogs that he writes. I told him it was just random, he thinks it's a conspiracy and does not want to blog anymore...help me out here folks!
The "First Day of School Picture"--he was almost late to class. He said nothing interesting happened the whole first week. Which I think is true. Most of his classes got out in 10-20 minutes and he has gaps placed in his schedule so he can do his homework at school. He did start to figure out the University shuttle bus though...
Last week, we had a small miracle. The temperature rose from negative 15 to positive 20-30!! It was MARVELOUS!!! It even got up to about 40 a few times. Also, because there is like no daylight here, it doesn't drop that much when it gets dark. It was nice for the sun to visit. Unfortunately, we convinced ourselves that winter was over and the temperatures would only go up...we were wrong and woke up to a frosted winter wonderland around us on Monday morning. It was pretty, but very disheartening.
Steven's Aviation school spoils their students...in lots of ways. One such way is because they have skywalks between the 3 buildings so the students don't have to walk outside. This is a cool shot Steven took in one of them.
T always wears my clothes, I always wear his. I think it's apart of marriage...
Don't let Steven stop blogging! I fixed the problem with his lack of comments in the last post he made. I think you should check it out!
Miss you.
Dont stop bloggging Steve! Its journaling, its important to share whats going on in your lives! If it makes you feel any better, no ever really comments on mine either! But than I have a hard time keeping it updated!
Shari Miller Romnay
I love all the random updates. Keep laughing and finding the little joys. Love ya
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