September 29, 2010

Our First Visitors

In mid-August, Allegiant had some GREAT deals on airfare from home here to GF. So, we convinced my mom and sister, Talia to come visit us...AND THEY DID!! FOR A WEEK!!

It was AWESOME! We warned them of how exciting our city was in advance, but we did manage to do some fun things. I'm only including a few favorite pictures because between my mom and I there are over 400 photos from the week...

Steven gave them the grand tour of UND and the airplanes.

We visited the farmer's market and took some pictures in the downtown district.

We drove to Fargo and visited Bonanzaville, USA- and yes it is as GREAT as it sounds. We laughed a lot.


We drove to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada one day. We toured the mint, went to Tinkertown to play mini golf, shopped, had a picnic at the park, and had lots of fun minus a few pregnant break downs :)

Holding half a million dollars.

We went to Kegs for some old-fashioned root beer and burgers.

We grilled at a park and played frisbee.

On the last morning, we rented a tandem bike from the union. It was hilarious to watch them figure it out. They did get the hang of it though. Steven dragged them ALL over the city on that thing too.

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