August 23, 2011

August 19-10 months old.

Can you believe we are already to double digits?!
At 10 months, baby Q:

Has 5 teeth and at least 2 on the way!! This month the theme could be 'teething'.

Walks along furniture.

Stands a little by himself until he realizes he's not holding on.

Is starting to recognize cause and effect. For example, he has one toy where you push the buttons and the animals pop up. He knows how to close the animals back in and tries to push the buttons to pop them up too. Or when he gets frustrated, he turns the whole toy over and closes them all at once.

Finally 6-9 month clothes are starting to get a little snug.

Loves bubbles.

Explores everything. Baskets and shoes are his favorite. Goodbye organization.

Waves to lots of people.

Loves books. His current phase is phone books. We get one every 3 months here it seems like so we have quite a few to choose from. I was going to throw them away but he likes them so much I can't do it. He also will finally sit still and read stories with me.

He has finally started eating some pasta. He's been trying table foods all summer but finally he'll do the pasta. I think it's a texture thing.

He likes yogurt.

loooooooooves technology. Especially the stereo system.

We're pretty sure he is left handed.

Likes to be outside but not always in the grass. He'll sometimes crawl in it to explore a stick but he won't walk with us on the grass.

He is PRO at avoiding the car seat. He immediately arches his back and stands when he gets put in.

He babbels all the time. The only word he officially says is 'dada'. He also seems to say Hi and Yes. I'm trying momma still.

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