September 15, 2008

We love school?!

It's after 12 AM and we're working on homework. I just finished mine for this last week at 11:55. All mine has to be done by midnight every Sunday. Steven's physics class is killing him. He usually ends up reading the chapter 2 times and going back over certain things even more. He applied or whatever you do for a tutor, but there's no one available for a physics tutor. Tonight, we told mom Dorn about our 'plan' for life in the next five years. It seems far away to graduate NEXT December. And for Steven to graduate TWO YEARS after that. Too bad we didn't plan things better last year at this time. Maybe we'd be a little closer to our family getting a little bigger. But for now, we just have to enjoy our late night study parties and keep reminding ourselves that we can do this, we can finish, it's just going to take some time (and maybe some Dr. Pepper)!


T and Jackie Isom said...

I know it sucks now, but it will all be worth it. Besides, these are the times that you can look back on and think together, 'We actually lived like that?' It'll be really funny then!

Paige said...

I support your decision to have a fish :D Good luck w/ school!